News & Perspectives

News & Perspectives

Talking to Kids About Tragic News


It is painful for all of us to bear witness to the tragedy that took place in Uvalde, Texas, and the senseless acts of racism and xenophobia seen in recent weeks. Our heartfelt condolences go out to the Uvalde community and all communities, friends, and families impacted by gun violence.

As children see and hear the news, it is natural to want to protect them from the harsh realities of the world, but it is important to keep the lines of communication open and be there for our children. Children rely on their parents and adults to be safe and reliable sources of information, and they need your support to help them develop healthy coping skills. Here are some important at tips on how to talk to children about tragic news, and ways to start these difficult conversations. 

The tips below were originally published on our parenting website

Tips for talking about things in the news

Where to start.

With children of any age, the first thing you want to do is to find out what they know. How much a child needs to know depends on her age – preschoolers don’t need very many details but teens often do. However, take your cues from your child in deciding how much to discuss with her. At any age reassure your child that she is safe and that many people are concerned and are doing their best to prevent something like this from happening again.

Turn off the TV.

We know that children are affected by what they see and hear in the media, and we also know that the media does not let go of a major event. There comes a point when your child and even you have seen and heard it enough. Filter what your child is exposed to, at least when he is around you. It’s OK to turn off even the news if you think it is inappropriate for your child. Although children should hear and talk about current events, try to discuss them with him, and help him think about and understand them. Sometimes, children’s magazines or TV shows do a good job of this.

Maintain a sense of normalcy. 

Try to maintain regular schedules for mealtimes and bedtime and continue to follow your normal school routine. This will reassure your child that nothing has changed in your household and provide a solid foundation of recovery when the media frenzy surrounding the event is over.

Look for signs of stress.

Even if your child does not want to talk about it, he may be affected by a tragic, recent event that is being talked about. Common reactions to these kinds of events in young children may include clinginess, tearfulness, bed-wetting, nightmares or fear of the dark, indifference, thumb sucking or nail biting, or trouble in school. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, adolescents are generally more affected by tragic events, and may be more tired and irritable and possibly even try new and harmful things like alcohol or drugs. Talk to your child’s school and pediatrician if you see any of these things and are concerned.

Manage your stress levels.

Remember that tragic events may also cause stress, anxiety, and difficult emotions in adults. Reaching out to friends and family to talk through these feelings is normal. However, remember your child is always listening and you want to make sure what you say and how you say it does not cause additional anxiety, worry and/or distress for your child. Find healthy outlets to channel your feelings. For example, volunteer for an organization in need, journal your feelings, or do something you enjoy in order to stay positive and productive.

Keep the lines of communication open.

The most important thing you can do for a child of any age is to let her know that she can come to you with any questions. However, be careful how you present information, and do not give any more details than you think she can handle. Questions and concerns may linger and surface much later, so do not be surprised if your child at first seems disinterested in the topic because she may not process it or be ready to talk about it right away. No matter how old your child is, she needs you, especially when the world around her is unsettled. If you are feeling insecure, talk to another adult and calm yourself so your child does not pick up on your concern.

Protect their idealism.

Although it is important for your child to be aware of what is going on in the world, certain tragic events promote feelings of helplessness among children of all ages. Find ways to let your child know that the world is not a terrible place. Tell them about the people who are helping, such as emergency workers and volunteers. Talk about what they can do to help, such as fundraising, finding pen pals, or even organizing a project in your community to help keep it safe. Also discuss stereotypes and prejudice, because many times these issues arise from world events and children learn tolerance and respect for diversity from adults.

If you are unsure where to begin these conversations, please find valuable resources below, and remember to take care of yourself.