Family Support Programs – Healthy Families Massachusetts

Healthy Families

Healthy Families

About Healthy Families

The foundation of a child’s brain is built during the first three years of life.

Healthy Families is a home-based family support and coaching program that supports first-time parents age 23 and under to help them create stable, nurturing environments for their children.

The program matches parents with trained professionals who visit families’ homes to provide support during pregnancy and the child’s first three years of life. Home visitors teach parents about proper baby care, promote nurturing and attachment, practice effective parenting skills, and ensure parents have a solid understanding of healthy child development. They also counsel parents on achieving personal goals such as going back to school or securing a job.

Healthy Families

Organizations that are interested in exploring ideas and resources for implementing high-quality family support and coaching programs are welcome to visit our Healthy Families resource library.

Healthy Families Massachusetts is an affiliate of Healthy Families America®.

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Midalia's Story

Midalia, mom to now three-year-old Xadien, was only 18 years old with a newborn baby when she found Healthy Families Massachusetts. Hear the powerful story of how the guidance and support of Healthy Families helped her break the cycle of abuse that both she and her parents had gone through as children.

Justyn & Kaleigh's Story

Justyn & Kaleigh were both in high school when Kaleigh, pregnant with their son Holden, learned about the Healthy Families program from her OBGYN. Hear how Healthy Families helped Justyn & Kaleigh learn to set individual and family goals, co-parent successfully, and raise their son, Holden, in a safe, healthy, and loving environment.