our stories

our stories

Todd, Kerry, Caroline, and John

Something hit a sour note when musician and stay-at-home dad Todd Mack attended a parent-child playgroup funded by the Children’s Trust - the room was full of only mothers. Where were the dads?

He knew they were out there. He had seen them in the town’s only supermarket during hours when most men would be at their jobs.

“It’s work - whether you’re raising children at home or handling business at the office. The only difference is staying at home and raising your kids can be the loneliest job in the world for a man.”

With support from the Children’s Trust’s Fatherhood Initiative, Todd reached out to other fathers. He brought his guitar to the parents group. Word got out that a father was there and it was fun. Soon, the room was half full of other stay-at-home dads.

“Because more fathers joined the playgroup, fewer dads think there’s nothing to face every day than just the difficulties of parenting alone. They feel less stressed and their homes are better places for their children.”

The Children’s Trust helped make that difference. “The Fatherhood Initiative empowers stay-at-home dads to say, ‘I’m here. I know my situation is not traditional. But I know, as a parent, I need support and I want what’s best for my kids and my community.’ ”