This spring, Chadwick Martin Bailey (CMB), a Boston-based market research and strategy firm, awarded the Children's Trust a $7,500 general operating grant, enabling our programs to quickly adapt to the stay-at-home advisory by rolling out virtual programs and services.
In contrast to funding that is earmarked for a specific project or program, general operating gifts can be used at the discretion of our organization, without restriction, to best advance our mission. This flexibility enables us to adapt to changing circumstances and respond with the greatest efficiency to children and families' evolving needs.

As we all adjust to the new reality of hybrid learning models, remote work, business closings, and the safer-at-home advisory, we know stress levels are high. For families that may already be under strain due to complex issues such as unemployment, food insecurity, or housing instability, social distancing and quarantines can exacerbate frustration and isolation. Now more than ever, we must do what we can to help families, friends, and neighbors stay safe and healthy. CMB's contribution signals a vote of confidence in our organizations ability to lead through change.
While our fundraising during the pandemic has been strong, increasing unrestricted support is the bold action needed to prevent child abuse and neglect in the Commonwealth.
We are grateful to CMB for generously giving not only a monetary donation, but also their talent and time. For nearly five years, CMB has been a valued corporate partner and provided the Children's Trust with their expertise and marketing research to support our mission to stop child abuse in Massachusetts.