Every week in Massachusetts, there is an average of 688 confirmed cases of child abuse and neglect. That’s abuse and neglect that happens to have been caught, reported, and confirmed. In one week. Can you begin to imagine just how big this issue truly is for Massachusetts children, families, and communities?
Thankfully, there is growing evidence that we can stop child abuse before it starts. And there is a growing movement that is committed to ending the reoccurring cycle of abuse. We are proud to be leading that movement, and we are thrilled to have the continued support of some invaluable partner organizations.
One of those partners is the Two Ten Footwear Foundation, which works to improve the lives of the nation’s 330,000 footwear employees from coast to coast. Through the generosity of the footwear community, Two Ten arranges a donation of shoes that we display at the State House representing the number of children confirmed as abused or neglected each week in the Commonwealth. And they have committed to partnering with us to help create the movement that can dramatically reduce that number. This year, SHOES.COM was that generous donor, and we are grateful to have their support.
To kick off Child Abuse Prevention Month, the Two Ten Footwear Foundation, along with the Boston Bruins wives, joined us in our office to sort the shoes that we’ll be displaying at the State House. Check out their beautiful write-up here, with more awesome photos from the day.