Step Up for Kids This Child Abuse Prevention Month | Children's Trust Massachusetts

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Step Up for Kids This Child Abuse Prevention Month


This Child Abuse Prevention Month, the Children’s Trust is rallying people across Massachusetts to take steps to protect our children’s future and work together to build the resilient, caring communities that every child and family deserves.

Every 15 minutes a child in Massachusetts is confirmed as abused and neglected. That is an average of 688 children per week. Currently, the Commonwealth spends over 1 billion dollars every year to respond to reports of abuse and neglect and intervene in their upbringing. But the Commonwealth is hardly the parent these children deserve.

The good news is that together we can stop child abuse and neglect from happening in the first place.

For 30 years the Children’s Trust has been leading the charge to stop child abuse in Massachusetts. Our programs prove that the cycle of reoccurring abuse can be stopped by giving parents the skills, tools, and resources they need to build strong families right from the start. They prove that focusing precious resources on upfront prevention not only prevents negative outcomes, but it promotes positive outcomes for our kids, our families, and our Commonwealth.

We know that the issue of child abuse crosses every income group and community. We also know that one caring adult in a child’s life can dramatically increase the chances they will thrive, even in the face of adversity. That means that each of us has numerous opportunities to positively impact the lives of the children in our communities. In fact, recent polling suggests that four out of five people are already engaged in such activities, even without recognizing it.

It is when we step up together, however, that we truly have the power to elevate the well-being of *all* our children. We have the power to shift at least some of our attention to stopping abuse before it starts, and to giving our children the start they deserve. Indeed, we have the power to shape the future for Massachusetts kids, and we hope you will step up with us to do just that.

Be on the lookout for exciting opportunities to get involved, find your part, and help move the needle forward for Massachusetts kids. #StepUpStopAbuse!