News & Perspectives

News & Perspectives

November is Youth Homelessness Awareness Month


It's National Youth Homelessness Awareness Month and many homeless youth are victims of trauma which can include abuse and neglect. We're committed to stopping child abuse in Massachusetts and need your help to reach more children.

Did you know that as many as 2.5 million youth experience homelessness each year?

Our programs, like Healthy Families Massachusetts, partner with young parents to provide guidance to help avoid homelessness. In fact, parents enrolled in Healthy Families were 13% less likely to experience homelessness. 

90% of homeless and runaway youth come from a fatherless home.

We know that when fathers are actively involved in their children’s lives, the whole family thrives. Our Fatherhood Initiative works to advance activities and trainings that support fathers, their families, and the professionals who work with them.

Tae’voahn first came to the Children’s Trust’s Healthy Families program while pregnant, after being hospitalized due to domestic violence with her sister. She experienced homelessness and depression. “Healthy Families is important because it gives young parents, like myself, the guidance we need.” Through Healthy Families, Tae’voahn sought therapy, became a rock for her baby Aaliyah, and found the support she needed to pursue college and a better life for her family.