News & Perspectives

News & Perspectives

Healthy Families Program Helps Young Parents Build Strong, Resilient Homes


Last week, The Lilly printed an article about the challenges facing young parents during the pandemic. While young parents face a slew of challenges, there are resources to help them build strong, resilient families.

A study by Tufts University published in the American Journal of Public Health found that Healthy Families Massachusetts (HFM) reduced homelessness and dependence on cash assistance, increased parents’ education and employment, decreased parents’ emergency room use, reduced maternal depression, and increased children’s executive functioning. In 2020, HFM held over 300 virtual group sessions so that young parents could meet and connect with other young parents, reducing feelings of isolation and helping them build community.

There is bipartisan support for the inclusion of $150 million in the Recovery Act for home visiting programs that help parents of all ages. In Massachusetts, we are thankful for the support of Congressman Richard Neal and Assistant Speaker Katherine Clark who are avid supporters of home visiting programs.

In 2020, our home visitors conducted over 18,500 virtual home visits. Young parents need to know they don’t have to do this alone.

You can learn more about Healthy Families Massachusetts here.